Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Finding Balance Along the Millenium Trail!

One of my goals this year is to see if I can actually get a website created that includes my blog. In the meantime, I keep playing with my header in an effort to find some balance. Yet, I still come back to simplicity in the look of it. I'm sorry, I tell myself, as I know simple beats out artsy most anytime when it comes to my personal comfort zone. I'll land somewhere. I hope in the meantime I don't drive any of you wonderful folks to jump ship. It's not easy being a photographer who's found a creative side she didn't know existed until now. I'm actually thinking it might be a bad thing, but no no no, that would be negative. And I never like to be called negative. If that's not enough, I started out as A Photographic Journal, but that tag didn't stick. So I've landed at "a photographers palette" because seriously it feels like I'm painting most of the time when I'm capturing that image. By the way, do you have any major goals for the new year. They don't even have to be major or for the new year. Goals are good. Come on, tell. Let's take a walk down this beautiful snow laden trail while you tell me all about it. ENJOY!


  1. I am not going anywhere. Beech trees?

    1. Oh come on Sandy. Just a short walk?? Carol

  2. Wish I could walk that leafy, snowy trail with you, Carol. My goal is the same as always: find one good thing - pass it on.

    1. Barb, I knew that's what you were going to say and I also knew you'd be glad to take a walk with me down this leafy, snowy trail. Thanks much. Carol

  3. Never been a goal setter. However I follow the trail that feels most natural. Last year my "Little Woman" and I started picking a word for the year. A guiding word so to speak to keep in mind as we traveled the path in the new year. Mine this year was "Expand". I wish for my subconscious to attach this guiding word to the formula's I process in making decisions.

    1. That's so cool. I like that thought process a lot. Carol
