Here you'll find my attempt at remedying the situation of not posting Seagull images, other than the Laughing Gull images, from my summer trip to the Eastern Shore.

These Gulls were at Assateague National Seashore on the bay side around the marshes the day I photographed them. This first image is of a Greater Black Backed Gull. I've started to realize some of the traits that make the distinction between one Gull and another. Traits like the spots on their beaks or the bright rings around their eyes, or even that some have pink feet while others have yellow. The characteristic varying greys and whites and blacks of their colors serves as identifying features also. So I downloaded a chart which I hope will help to demonstrate the complexities of the situation.
This next image is of an American Herring Gull which I believe is displaying breeding plumage demonstrated by the distinct white head, neck and breast. I wished the sun hadn't gone behind the clouds when I took this image, but I still wanted to share it.

This chart will serve as my witness as to the degree of difficulty in identifying birds. You can find it on the National Geographic Animal webpage. There you'll find pages on Gulls in their various stages of life and cycles. Stages range from juvenile or fledging to adult with 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year sometimes indicated on the charts. And let's not forget the breeding and non breeding stages where generally the color of the feathers is the differentiating factor. It's a crap shoot sorting out an identification, but I promise I'll continue to try if you bear with me. ENJOY! These Gulls were at Assateague National Seashore on the bay side around the marshes the day I photographed them. This first image is of a Greater Black Backed Gull. I've started to realize some of the traits that make the distinction between one Gull and another. Traits like the spots on their beaks or the bright rings around their eyes, or even that some have pink feet while others have yellow. The characteristic varying greys and whites and blacks of their colors serves as identifying features also. So I downloaded a chart which I hope will help to demonstrate the complexities of the situation.
This next image is of an American Herring Gull which I believe is displaying breeding plumage demonstrated by the distinct white head, neck and breast. I wished the sun hadn't gone behind the clouds when I took this image, but I still wanted to share it.

PHOTOGRAPHER'S NOTE: While in college, I studied Science and Geology and simply loved it. Yet, I ended up majoring in Communications. And while Communications has served me in my profession, it's now a major factor in my blog. And now ultimately so is Science. Is that what they mean by full circle? Regardless, I love learning the distinctions about all of the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, etc. in our world, not to mention the landscape we like to call Mother Earth. Thanks for stopping by.
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