Later the Egret flew off into the distance. I wasn't certain I'd captured a decent image of him as he flew away only to realize after dropping my photos into my software that evening that I had. I love the out of focus feel of the Sandpiper in the upper right background too. Long bills, long necks, long legs. Everything about a Great White Egret is long, large and looming. It commands your attention.
Later this week I'll post some images of the Snowy Egret. I also have images of Sandpipers, American Oyster Catchers and more from my trip. To say I was in my glory at Chincoteague would be putting it mildly. It's still cool here day and night and totally unlike the Ohio River Valley. I'm sure most of us don't know what to do with ourselves, but loving every minute of it, nonetheless. ENJOY!
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