Friday, July 23, 2010

Red Hardy Waterlily!

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this Red Hardy Waterlily, "Nymphaea Black Princess". Where do they get these names for these flowers? There is something about the deep colors that draw me in. On a serious note, I've looked at this image numerous times and I swear to you, I'm not really that fond of it. I don't remember seeing these growing in the lily pond in Bernheim at any time that I've visited in the past. So I felt compelled to take a photo. I hope you like it.

I'm a week away from my trip to the Cape and can hardly wait. I really could use a vacation away from it all which is what I'm going to do. Get away from it all. I hope you've had a chance or you will have a chance to take a vacation this year or at least a long weekend away.

Louisville is under a heat advisory today and tomorrow. I'm thinking that is mimmicked in many areas of the United States and perhaps even across the pond, so try to stay cool. Enjoy!

1 comment :

  1. Red happens to be my favorite color, so I DO like your photo very much. It really pops!
