Thursday, February 19, 2015

Winter Jasmine

This past Sunday I spent a brief few minutes walking around Long Hunter State Park near the shore. As I walked over to the edge of a cliff to look out over Couchville Lake, I looked down and saw a plant covered in yellow blooms. That was a shocker considering it's February and the dead of Winter.

It didn't take long to identify the bloom when I did a search online. All I did was type in 'yellow blooms in Winter' and there it was. Yellow Jasmine blooms from November to March. A typically native plant to China, Yellow Jasmine can be found scattered throughout the lower southern states in the U.S. One of the states listed was Tennessee. If you had told me I would discover a flowering Jasmine plant in Winter here in Nashville, I wouldn't have believed it. But here it is. Amazing. ENJOY!

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