Sunday, September 6, 2009

Living a Hard Life

In Fall 2008, Louisville experienced the remnants of a hurricane that blew up from the Gulf of Mexico into Kentucky with 75 mph winds. Fallen trees were in order for weeks to come as the cleanup pursued. Then in late Winter 2009, the city experienced a harsh ice storm which covered everything in two inches of solid ice. The ice formations were gorgeous, though I did not choose to photograph any.

Again many downed or damaged trees strewn the city. Now to the point of this story, directly off of my patio stands a very young sugar maple tree perhaps five years old at most. I woke yesterday morning, looked out the french doors and there its leaves were shining oranges and russets in a sea of green, as the woods behind the maple tree were still showing their splendid summertime greens. While the beautiful oranges and russets are a sight to see so early, I feel strongly next year, this sugar maple will get back to its norm and wait for the appropriate time to turn its leaves these beautiful colors.

1 comment :

  1. Lovely post Carol...I love fall, and this tree made my day :)
