Friday, October 21, 2016

Colorful Fall Arbor

As luck would have it, I happened upon the Arbor in the Robert Ellis Color Garden at the perfect time. All of the beautiful Elephant Ears and Cana Lilies were in bloom. Rows and rows of purple and yellow and deep Crimson Chrysanthemums lined the Arbor walkway at Cheekwood during their annual Cheekwood Fall Harvest Festival. Whether you are knee deep in snow high in the mountains, walking along the seashore, down at the lake shore, at the river's edge or rustling through the falling red, orange and yellow leaves of Fall deep in the valley, have a great weekend. ENJOY!


  1. This is truly spectacular, Carol! I love arbors and these colors and fall blooms are terrific.

  2. Beautiful, what a walkway that would be for a wedding party to stroll along.

  3. A glorious vista of autumn colours.
