Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Trifoliate Orange Tree, Bernheim Arboretum & Research Forest

I know what you're thinking. It's winter and what could I possibly find interesting to post about that's nature related. Well, I'm determined to keep things fresh here in blogland, so here goes. On a recent visit to Bernheim, I happened across a very, very thorny tree with several green balls hanging off of the branches. It was sitting alongside the trail that leads from the Sun and Shade Trail to the parking area. There were several green balls, but also some yellow and some that looked rotten. Here's what I discovered from my Google search.

The Hardy Orange is a small, deciduous tree that grows to be 15 to 20 feet tall and wide and is laden with tangled crown of thorn-laden branches. In mid summer, the tree is adorned with small green fruit. When the leaves drop in the fall, these fruit turn yellow and hang on the tree. The fruit is fragrant and citrusy. The fruit won't yield much in the way of pulp as it is mostly chocked full of seeds. I can't tell you how many times I visit Bernheim only to discover a different tree or bush or flower. It's amazing.

Now on a different topic, and one more pressing, I hope you have your Christmas decorating completed as it's getting late in the season. And how's your Christmas shopping list? Is it all checked off yet? OK, I know that's probably not the case. As a matter of fact, I bet some of you will still be out there Christmas Eve. And least I forget, are you preparing your Christmas dinner shopping list. If the answer to all of the above is no, you'd better get cracking as time's a wasting. My decorating is done. I have one gift left to buy. And well, my sister does Christmas dinner so I'm off the hook on that one. Hope your week is going well. ENJOY!


  1. Beautiful . I so busy and had to take a break and stop by.

  2. That one is new to me. I kind of reminds me of an Osage Orange.
